Help get my sunshine!

Salisbury, md (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help get my sunshine!

by Jennifer Birch

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Salisbury, md (US)

Jennifer Birch is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am a leukemia survivor who has had a wild ride in life over the last few years. It all started July 2018 when I found out that I was pregnant. I couldn’t have been any more excited as I knew since I was little that all I wanted in life was to be a Mom. I carried that excitement for a whole 18 days, until August 5, 2018, when I received a phone call that would change my life forever. The lady on the other line said “Jennifer, you need to get to the hospital right now. You have Leukemia.” She told me that it was bad and to go to the nearest hospital right away where I would be met by a team of healthcare providers. We walked in to the hospital, told the lady my name, and were quickly escorted to the back, where a room and blood tubes were waiting to be drawn. The nurses were giving me the look, that look where you just know that something is very wrong. The charge nurse was waiting for my arrival. I quickly realized that shit was about to get real and real fast! Within no time, the blood disease doctor was in my room. He said “It’s confirmed, you have leukemia. You’re heading to Johns Hopkins Hospital.” I just assumed that we would go home to pack for a few days and head up maybe on Monday or Tuesday. Oh, how wrong I was. He said that the helicopter was on its way for me. My flight crew arrived. I was loaded and in the air within a few hours of that initial phone call. To start treatment (high dose chemotherapy) immediately, it meant that the baby would have no chance of survival. I was told that I would lose both my own life and the baby’s life if I waited for treatment. Imagine that choice. Either choice meant losing the baby’s life and saving my life was never promised either. I was also informed that I would need a Bone Marrow transplant to survive, which would mean that I would likely no longer be able to get pregnant. I was devastated that my only chance of survival would also destroy any chance of fulfilling my dream of becoming a mother. But here I am, almost five years later; 1000’s of test tubes of blood, 89 Blood/ Platelet Transfusions, 4 Rounds of Chemotherapy, 1 round of radiation, Countless pills, bone marrow biopsies, spinal taps, and a Bone Marrow Transplant (to change my cells to a complete stranger who lives over 4,300 miles away). I am alive and well. Since my treatment, I got divorced, I am working to obtain a Master’s in psychology degree, I am taking care of my niece and nephew, and I am just enjoying life and all it has to offer. The void of not having a baby has always been present, so my oncology doctor referred me to seek out fertility options. After all of the testing, it appears that I have a very real possibility of getting pregnant with the help of IUI treatments. As many know, this is an expensive process, which is not covered by my insurance. The associated expenses pose major struggles both financially and mentally with the related monetary stress. I could sure use whatever help you can find in your heart to give to help me to find my rainbow after the storm I have been through.